WOOD. Star shine 'n' Moon shine, Painted blacked, Kindle cradle Shine, Magi, Mother Earth, Tinsel Shine, In water Birth, Streams your Rock, Look at the Tree, The Nude Tree, Ethnic Nation, Proceed, It has no leaves, Oh Tree, Among our litter blown, Is our Winter Worry, Wood, That you may carry, Silhouetted, Grain, Under the Serpents head, To heal, Amid armistice Gloom, Westerly winds, Turn 'n' change, Foreboding, When the Oak Chip smoulders, The cold it Cuts, And Cuts again, Still branches, Ashes that crackle 'n' burn, To Man, And for a Season, Are His Psalms, Like Hands, Pleasant Hand, against His world, Knotted, And knocking, To a Knocking Tune, Is the Carpenters Virgin fingers, with Hammer 'n' Nail, Cross cut 'n' Lathe, To make His own l Cross to bear, When made a fitting Crown, to wear.