THE EARLIST INCANTATION OF A DRUIDS' RHYME. ( Is The Story of a Merchant and his Vine.) , Oh Nephew, Nephew, Hear this Ancient Tale, For Soon those Ears Will Turn to Stone, I Pray, For soon an Incantation you will Hear not once again, Of a truer kind, Spells, Blood now, Drunken from this curdled Cup, Of ritual Poison, Waters are Your Rock Sustaining, Soft, And , Holy, Plough then your line, With Bronze or Iron, Oh Silver Sickle, Sweeping True, For Golden is Your Mistletoe Of Ripen Fellow Dew, Spelling letters, In Sheaves, And Rhyme, To the Wind, Round Scribes, And Standing Stones,, Spinning Yarns, Of a Merchant, And his Vine, Tavellin' but from the East, By the Stars and fair Sail, Of the Middle Sea.