THE CARNIVAL WAS OVER. Summer had slipped away, For the Swallows had gathered, And Flown, Home, Home on the Wing, Leaving empty Skies, In the lowering light that was Autumn, For the colours were all of a Blaze then, Tasting, Tasting the disappearance of the fading Year, Of Autumns Hedge row Harvest, Of Berries Red, And Berries Black, As your Win falls drop, One to another, So do the Leaves collect, And are blown, Scattering, Though grounded now, To tell of Pumpkin Pie, Whilst speaking of Spooks! The Carousel Rotated, Still, Haunting the Music played, On, And on Rider less, Over our Water, Our Water, Just as the Red Nose Man, Waved his sad Adieu’s, sad Adieu’s.